Looking to the Future, Caring for the Past
St Mary the Virgin, Weston-on-the-Green - Grade II*

The nave before work began

The nave after completion of the project
The church wanted to be able to provide DDA toilet and baby changing facilities, and a kitchen area for preparing refreshments. In addition to this, they required a vestry and storage space. This was installed in the little used space in the lower part of the tower. A kitchenette, toilet and understairs storage were inserted below a new first floor vestry. The stairwell to the new vestry was carefully positioned to allow the tower window to be viewed and appreciated from the new space.
The new work was partitioned off by an oak screen inserted into the arch between the nave and tower at the west end of the church. The font was left in its existing location with enough room to allow a wheelchair to pass, and the stone floor was retained.
The nave was in need of some redecoration and plaster repairs. During the work, a 17th century boss was found beneath some drawers in the floor of the old vestry, and a Victorian painted banner was discovered beneath the existing paintwork around the west end arch of the nave. These were incorporated into the new work and redecoration, with the banner carefully painted around and the boss mounted on a new panel above the oak screen.