Looking to the Future, Caring for the Past

About Us
Owning or looking after an historic building, though very rewarding, can also be a daunting responsibility, especially when work is required. Getting the right advice from people who genuinely care about both the needs of the custodian and the building is imperative. Conservation Architects is a family business with over 20 years experience with historic buildings and structures. Working with our clients, from first ideas to final build, we offer solutions to meet their needs without comprising the historic integrity of the building.
Our founder and principle Architect, Christian Randall, is AABC accredited in building conservation, an RIBA Specialist Conservation Architect, and is approved by the Dioceses of Oxford, Salisbury, and Bristol.
'I can't imagine how the project could have been carried out in a more professional,
efficient, and successful way.'
St Giles, Churchwarden
'[We] would like to thank you for the recent Quinquennial Report. We especially appreciated its presentation and clarity.'
The Parochial Church Council of St Nicholas, East Challow